I have been a vodka aficionado for a while. I’ve tasted quite a few through out my travels especially while in Russia. But, I’ve come across a USA distilled vodka that I love. It’s Tito’s Vodka made in Austin, Texas. I was telling a friend of mine about Tito’s and we decided to do our own little tasting of vodkas. We had Tito’s, Ketel One, Grey Goose and Crystal Head vodka (the one made by Dan Aykroyd). Tito’s won hands down. Not only is it smooth in taste but the price is smooth. Crystal Head is anywhere from $45.00-$50 for 750ml . Ketel One and Grey Goose $38-40.00 for 750ml. Tito’s is around $28-30! The magazine, Wine Enthusiast, out of 100 points gave Tito’s 95 points, Ketel One 89 and Grey Goose 84. If you doubt my love of vodka, just read my blog about my adventure of trying to get some vodka on Borneo: http://satisfyingmycuriousity.blogspot.com/2010/05/its-been-while-since-i-last-posted-but.html.Read more…
Here’s the story on Ttio’s:
Next Time I’m in Austin, which will be in Feb., 2013, I’m going to visit the distillery!
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